Weaponize Your Data

Our Big Data services help decision-makers gain the insight they need by providing them repeatable and accurate predictions which in turn improves their processes, increases productivity, and reduces costs.

80% of data analysis is about data prep, instead of about gaining competitive advantage.

As companies look to transform themselves into digital businesses, the central challenge is how to gain competitive advantage from terabytes of structured and unstructured data — rather than spend so much time on data prep.That’s where TekValley helps — by providing expertise in managing the volume, variety, validity, and velocity of data.

TekValley's Big Data resource pool and deep understanding of data and analytics solutions leverage state-of-the-art applications and cloud services to provide Big Data solutions to clients. In addition, we also provide foolproof security and testing services on top of our Big Data solutions, so companies can undertake their digital transformation with confidence.

Our Complete Range of Big Data Technologies

Our Big Data track record

  • Successfully implemented a Big Data solution for a leading financial institution
  • Built an in-memory Spark processing engine on top of Hadoop’s HDFS
  • Using Kafka, provided near real-time analytics after parsing thousands of files across a multitude of nodes
  • Deployed a YARN based engine for scheduling jobs and batch processing over Spark
  • Built a non-relational storage using MongoDB that efficiently handled and queried petabyte’s of unstructured data